Visual Texture:
Visual Texture is when you can see the texture, but you could not feel it with touch. My example of visual texture would be the round wooden coffee table in the middle of the room. By looking at it you can see the rough texture, but if you were to run your hands across it you would not feel the roughness, but you would feel a smooth surface.
Tactile Texture:
Tactile texture is when you can actually feel the texture of a surface, or object. In the room I created If you were to run your hands across the rug you could feel the fur, and softness that it appears to have.
Audible Texture:
Audible Texture is when you can hear the texture of something. Certain objects or cloth can have a certain sound when you touch them. The leaf wreath that I have placed in my room is audible because if you were to touch it you would be able to hear the sound of the leaves rub against each other and crinkle.
Texture also gives us moods and different feelings about a room. Smooth textures give us a formal feeling while rough textures would give us a more informal feeling. If walls, like in my creation, are smooth and not textured it makes the room feel bigger. If walls are textured it makes a room feel smaller, so texture also effects the size of a room. In my creation I believe the mood is warm, but also cool at the same time. I feel that I tried to represent the feeling of fall. The feeling of to me is chilly outdoors, and warm cuddly, sit by the fire, insides. I tried to capture this feeling with all of the objects, and the room I chose to design.