Thursday, November 19, 2015


Space, The final frontier... I don't literally mean Space the place where other planets are, but the space you have in your home. This week in Interior Design we are learning about the Element of Design: Space. We have defined space as "The three denominational area with which the designer works." This week's task was to design a New York City Flat, and try to decorate the tiny space to make it a complete home. To make a complete home you need a kitchen, a bedroom, a living space, and a bathroom. A Flat is an open space, that has all of these needs, on one floor.
This is the floor plan I made of a flat in Gabberts. While making this room I REALLY had to keep in mind I needed to make the space comfortable, and not too cluttered. While designing this room I was trying to make it feel, and look, big enough for guest. While creating the kitchen I was thinking about this as well. Instead of putting a kitchen table in the way I decided to just create a breakfast bar. This way while you are cooking people can sit in the kitchen with you. For that reason is also why I have the kitchen opened up to the living room. I know that a lot of people need their own private place, and for most people that is their bedrooms. I made the bedroom more private by creating the illusion of a wall with a closet. By placing the "bedroom" in the corner space it also created a more private area because there are walls all around the room. I also chose to keep the furniture a neutral white color because I felt it looked more professional. 
A floor plan is a great way to help design your home. Using a floor plan you can actually see the measurements of your space, and you can fit everything perfectly. This is why using Gabberts was such an awesome opportunity! Space is the space in your home you design, and live in, so keep your space creative!

Monday, November 9, 2015


Texture is the second Element of Design we are learning about this week in Interior Design. You need texture to make a room whole. There are actually three different types of textures: Visual, Tactile, and Audible. We had to create a room, and point out all of the main textures in bedded throughout it. I created a fall room because it is the season, and I am very obsessed with it. I also feel that it can bring an unique feeling to a room. (You can see the room I created in Polyvore below.)

Visual Texture:

Visual Texture is when you can see the texture, but you could not feel it with touch. My example of visual texture would be the round wooden coffee table in the middle of the room. By looking at it you can see the rough texture, but if you were to run your hands across it you would not feel the roughness, but you would feel a smooth surface.

Tactile Texture:

Tactile texture is when you can actually feel the texture of a surface, or object. In the room I created If you were to run your hands across the rug you could feel the fur, and softness that it appears to have.

Audible Texture:

Audible Texture is when you can hear the texture of something. Certain objects or cloth can have a certain sound when you touch them. The leaf wreath that I have placed in my room is audible because if you were to touch it you would be able to hear the sound of the leaves rub against each other and crinkle. 

Texture also gives us moods and different feelings about a room. Smooth textures give us a formal feeling while rough textures would give us a more informal feeling. If walls, like in my creation, are smooth and not textured it makes the room feel bigger. If walls are textured it makes a room feel smaller, so texture also effects the size of a room. In my creation I believe the mood is warm, but also cool at the same time. I feel that I tried to represent the feeling of fall. The feeling of to me is chilly outdoors, and warm cuddly, sit by the fire, insides. I tried to capture this feeling with all of the objects, and the room I chose to design. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Types of Lines

    Line is defined as," A long, narrow mark or band." In Interior Design we use lines to capture the feeling of a room. We use many different types of lines to bring a room to life like, Horizontal, Diagonal, Vertical, and Curved. We also have Functional and Decorative lines. All of these lines help us design a perfect room using the Elements of Design. 

Vertical Lines:

Definition: "At right angles to a horizontal plane." In Interior Design Vertical Lines give a room a feeling of dignity and especially height. Our eyes tend to follow the lines up when a room, or design, has vertical lines. Because of  this it makes the room, or object, appear taller. In this room you can see the three rows that your eyes follow up; continuing into the ceiling. The living room appears taller and formal.

Horizontal Lines:

Definition: "Parallel to the horizon of the plane." When we use Horizontal Lines in design we typically use them to make a room seem wider. We also use them to make a room feel relaxed, and casual. In the image below the horizontal lines basically outline the room; especially the back wall. They also bring a very casual feeling to, what is supposed to be, a casual kitchen.

Diagonal Lines:

Definition: "A straight line joining two opposite corners of a shape." Diagonal Lines are used to make a room exciting, and interesting. I think these stairs are very exciting with their exposed diagonal lines. The wood flooring in the home even follows the diagonal pattern. 

Curved Lines:

Definition: "A line or outline that gradually deviates from being straight for some or all of it's length." Curved lines are used to make a room feel feminine and soft. I think they also bring an interesting look into a room. This little library feels very soft and cozy with all of it's curved lines. 

Functional Lines:

Functional Lines are the lines that are built into your home. Lines like this would be found around and in doors, windows, walls, and stairs. In the hallway below you will notice that the walls are curved, and even the door is. 

Decorative Line:

A Decorative Line are lines that are one walls, furniture, and the way things are placed in your home. In the pantry below the patterned wallpaper gives the wall a horizontal feeling; even though the built-in shelves could have given it a horizontal feeling.

In Interior Design we need lines to help build a perfect room. A perfect room has all of the Elements of design to bring it all together and make it feel complete. Line is just one of the factors a room needs to create an awesome look!